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CCA Financial Aid Fund


One of the questions that Christian parents face is whether to send their kids to a Christian school or to the public system.  The public system is increasingly unpopular with parents from across the socio-economic spectrum.  And there is the notion that only those who can afford it send their kids to private schooling.    We have many parents in our community who have the desire to give their children a solid Christian Education, but can’t afford it.   It hurts when we have to turn families away due to finances.  These families only desire the best academic and spiritual education for their children.


Preparing students with a Biblical world view

It is our heart at Calvary Chapel Academy to provide excellent academic and spiritual education to every family that desires it.  Unfortunately, there is a cost in providing excellence in education that we are unable to underwrite.   We work very hard to provide quality teachers and staff, a safe and secure environment, and a well rounded curriculum while keeping our costs as low as possible.  Each year as the school grows the list of needs grows as well.  As we expand into mid-high, and eventually high school, we need additional specialized teachers, curriculums, and facilities to meet the need.   This is over and above the basic need to keep tuition as affordable as possible and provide partial Financial Aid to families in need of assistance.


How To Help


First, and most importantly, you can help pray for the school, its staff and the students. We ask that you pray that God will prepare us for this great responsibility and bless our efforts.  We also need prayer that our financial needs will be met.



Second, we ask that you prayerfully consider financially supporting our CCA Financial Aid Fund.   We are very excited about the prospect of offering Christian based education to more families and their children.  With the new CCA Financial Aid Fund we will be able to assist families with a heart for Christian education, that otherwise couldn’t afford it.  


Therefore, we are looking for businesses, and individuals, willing to make a monthly contribution of $100, $200, or a gift of any amount toward our Financial Aid Fund.  As a 501(c)3 organization all your contributions are tax-deductible.  By partnering with CCA you are investing in an organization dedicated to academically preparing students with a biblical world view and equipping them to take their place in the world as servants of Jesus Christ.


Whether you are led to contribute prayerfully, financially, or both, all of your support is appreciated!  


Click here to make a donation.


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